Our Work
The primary focus of the Oregon AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations) is building power for working people and fighting for a fair and just economy for all. We accomplish this in every facet of our Federation’s work, which are devoted to organizing new workers; electing leaders and advocating for legislation which supports working people; and engaging with more communities in Oregon and with more organizations outside of the labor movement.
The Regional Field Program is twofold: supporting Central Labor Chapters and local affiliated unions as well as spearheading partnerships between labor and community-based organizations. Regional Field Staff run political campaigns, assist with internal and external organizing drives, provide collective bargaining support, and run local policy initiatives.
The Oregon AFL-CIO is unique amongst State Federations because of this program, and for our in-house organizing and research capacity. We are capable and experienced in running internal and external campaigns along with supporting affiliates during collective bargaining. We bring all of our resources to bear, assisting with communications, research, and political leverage.
The Oregon AFL-CIO operates the largest independent voter contact program in the state. By integrating the latest technology for text and phone banking, utilizing in-house design and communications capacity, and deploying our own professionally managed canvassing program into our targeted district-level strategy, we have developed a highly effective program. We maintain a statewide scope of field work where volunteers are mobilized in cities from Medford to Astoria to get out the vote for union endorsed candidates and issues.
The Oregon AFL-CIO’s advocacy in Salem serves as a strong voice for all working people in Oregon, and absolutely a strong voice for our affiliated unions and your members. We work closely with allied community-based organizations and labor/community coalitions to develop and pass legislation designed to give all Oregonians a pathway to prosperity. Our legislative program couples with our Regional Field, Communications, Organizing and Research staff to help direct testimony, letters and calls to legislators, and local actions to provide field support for legislative priorities.
The Oregon AFL-CIO can provide strategic research for organizing campaigns, organizing targets, bargaining, political campaigns and economic development. Our in-house capacity for research enables us to quickly produce reports and analyze the data that has an impact on working people in Oregon.
From press relations to graphic design services, the Oregon AFL-CIO Communications program supports all our program areas, while providing strategic communications assistance to affiliate unions, campaigns, and allied organizations. We can help your organization develop a strategy for communicating with your members and with the general public, as well as offer graphic design, digital/social media campaigns, and targeted press outreach to ensure that your message is hitting the correct audience.
Oregon’s economy continues to grow, and we have to ensure it is growing in a way that puts workers ahead. The Oregon AFL-CIO is experienced in working with multiple affiliated unions to obtain Labor Harmony Agreements including the Hyatt Regency at the Oregon Convention Center.
Our political and legislative team is experienced, knowledgeable and ready to fight for your members when working with state agencies. We engage in the rulemaking process to ensure workers are not left behind.
Our labor liaison is trained in the latest state and federal assistance programs and routinely helps both union and non-union workers deal with layoffs. Oregon’s Workforce System is most effective when strong advocates for working people are involved, and our state is stronger when we create the right kinds of jobs. By facilitating workforce board trainings, recruiting members to state and local boards, and working with community organizations on areas of common interest we ensure that Oregon is moving in the right direction.