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2020-2021 Legislative Scorecard

Oregon AFL-CIO

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

Oregon’s workers, families, and communities have faced incredible challenges since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, compounding a rigged economy that was already leaving too many Oregonians behind. We have watched a virus spread throughout workplaces and families, seen entire communities burn from wildfire, and began a long-overdue reckoning with institutional racism.

The Oregon AFL-CIO and Oregon’s unions were committed to ensuring the 2021 Oregon Legislature and previous special sessions tackled these challenges boldly while defending the progress our state has made for working people and families in recent years. Our 2021 Legislative Priorities were a roadmap to building an Oregon where work is fair and just for all.

This scorecard reflects the efforts of lawmakers based on how they advocated for and voted on the priorities of Oregon’s Labor Movement throughout the pandemic. While some bills did not even make it to a committee or floor vote, these rankings take into account advocacy and opposition throughout the legislative process. Furthermore, without solid, pro-worker leadership in the Oregon Senate and House, the priorities of the Oregon Labor Movement would not have been possible and are also reflected in the scorecard rankings.



Rep. Karin Power (HD 41 - Milwaukie) has earned our Legislator of the Year award because of her undeniable ability to dig into the weeds of worker-centered policies and effect meaningful change. She stood with workers every step of the way last session and championed a historic bill to change the Oregon Family Leave Act to be more reflective of Oregon families and to be responsive to the pandemic – enabling thousands of Oregon workers to have the ability to stay home from work and keep their jobs when schools closed. In addition, Rep. Power chaired a workgroup on COVID-19 employer immunity and consistently ensured that working Oregonians maintained their right to hold employers accountable for workplace violations. Oregonians are lucky to have this effective and thoughtful champion in their corner!


Throughout her legislative career and particularly in the last legislative session, Rep. Salinas (HD 38 - Lake Oswego) has been a stalwart advocate for currently and historically marginalized workers: namely, Black and Latinx workers. Among other policies, we were so proud to work with Rep. Salinas on bills that protect workers from retaliation from their employer after raising safety and health concerns, ensuring that our state is living up to its values as a true Sanctuary State for immigrant workers, and fighting to correct a historic wrong that has left farmworkers excluded from overtime pay and protections. We are so appreciative of Rep. Salinas’ ongoing, steadfast and values-driven leadership in the State Capitol.


Oregon workers were so lucky to have Senator Kate Lieber (SD 14 - Beaverton) on the key Senate Labor and Business Committee during her first legislative session. From standing with the labor movement on reforming the use and abuse of non-compete agreements to closing loopholes that impact workers on Paid Sick Time to making sure the Unemployment Insurance program functioned well – particularly when workers needed it the most – Senator Lieber was a champion for workers in her district and across Oregon. We know she has a big future ahead of her as a true progressive and worker-centered leader in the State Senate for many sessions to come.


As a longtime active union firefighter, we knew that Rep. Grayber (HD 35 - Tigard) would provide a much-needed worker-focused perspective to the State Legislature, and in her first session, she did not disappoint. As Vice-Chair of the powerful House Business and Labor Committee, she was a true leader on pro-worker policies, creating regional firefighter apprenticeships to help diversify the workforce, and ensuring that Oregon’s response to COVID-19 and future public health emergencies does not leave front-line workers behind. Oregon workers are so thankful for her voice and leadership and are excited to see where this powerhouse of a legislator goes from here in Salem!


Senator Kate Lieber (D)

Senator Chris Gorsek (D)

Senator James Manning (D)

Senator Kathleen Taylor (D)

Rep. Dacia Grayber (D)

Rep. Paul Holvey (D)

Rep. Tina Kotek (D)

Rep. Jason Kropf (D)

Rep. Karin Power (D)

Rep. Dan Rayfield (D)

Rep. Andrea Salinas (D)

Rep. Barbara Smith Warner (D)


Senator Ginny Burdick (D)

Senator Peter Courtney (D)

Senator Michael Dembrow (D)

Senator Lew Frederick (D)

Senator Sara Gelser-Blouin (D)

Senator Jeff Golden (D)

Senator Kayse Jama (D)

Senator Deb Patterson (D)

Senator Chuck Riley (D)

Senator Rob Wagner (D)

Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon (D)

Rep. Wlnsvey Campos (D)

Rep. Paul Evans (D)

Rep. Maxine Dexter(D)

Rep. Julie Fahey (D)

Rep. Ken Helm (D)

Rep. Zack Hudson (D)

Rep. John Lively (D)

Rep. Pam Marsh (D)

Rep. Nancy Nathanson (D)

Rep. Courtney Neron (D)

Rep. Rob Nosse (D)

Rep. Khan Pham (D)

Rep. Rachel Prusak (D)

Rep. Jeff Reardon (D)

Rep. Lisa Reynolds (D)

Rep. Ricki Ruiz (D)

Rep. Tawna Sanchez (D)

Rep. Sheri Schouten (D)

Rep. Andrea Valderrama (D)


Senator Lee Beyer (D)

Senator Tim Knopp (R)

Senator Floyd Prozanski (D)

Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward (D)

Rep. Janelle Bynum (D)

Rep. Susan McLain (D)

Rep. Mark Meek (D)

Rep. Janeen Sollman (D)


Senator Bill Hansell (R)

Senator Betsy Johnson (D)

Senator Bill Kennemer (R)

Rep. Brian Clem (D)

Rep. David Gomberg (D)

Rep. Greg Smith (R)

Rep. Marty Wilde (D)

Rep. Anna Williams (D)

Rep. Brad Witt (D)


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3645 SE 32nd Ave

Portland, OR 97202

By Appointment Only

105 High St SE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301

(503) 232-1195

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