This summer, LERC and the Oregon AFL-CIO are taking advantage of Zoom to bring national experts and labor leaders to Oregon union members.
July 16. The inside story on the COVID crisis – what happened in New York, and what we should expect in Oregon. With nurse leaders from the NY State Nurses Association and Oregon Nurses Association.
July 29. The Labor movement’s role in the fight for racial justice. With Bill Fletcher, former Education Director for the national AFL-CIO and president of TransAfrica Forum, and Donna Hammond, IBEW Local 48 Business Agent.
August 5. The State of Oregon's Unions. With Oregon AFL-CIO President Graham Trainor.
August 12. Education in the time of COVID. With former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education Diane Ravitch, and a leader from the Oregon Education Association.
August 26. Oregon Legislative and Budget Update: The state of Oregon’s budget and Oregon workers. Jess Giannettino Villatoro, Political Director of the Oregon AFL-CIO and Oregon legislative leader.
All talks will start at 5 pm and go for one hour, with time for questions and comments from the audience.
All talks are free and open to all Oregon union members.
Register here for one or more of these free talks, and we will send you a link to the zoom talk shortly before the event.