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Oregon Labor Celebrates Enormous Efforts by Union Members in 2024 General Election


Oregon AFL-CIO President Graham Trainor has issued the following statement ahead of the 2024 general election results: 

“Oregon Labor turned out in record numbers to get out the vote in this critical election. There is so much at stake for workers and their families this November. Issues like the right to organize, healthcare and reproductive rights, housing and the cost of living and  protecting our most fundamental democratic institutions are all on the line. That’s why union members made sure to leave nothing on the table when it came to encouraging voter participation. And just like the road to the White House runs right through America’s union halls this election cycle, the road here in Oregon to statewide or legislative office runs through Oregon’s union halls as well.   

We don’t yet know the results of the election, but no matter the outcome, we applaud the union member volunteers who put in countless hours educating voters and encouraging them to turn in their ballots. This election has proven once again that union members are a powerful force for democracy. Together, the Oregon AFL-CIO and our affiliated unions knocked on tens of thousands of doors, made innumerable phone calls, and spread the word at worksites around the state on behalf of labor endorsed candidates. 

Oregon needs pro-worker voices in every level of elected office, and we’re incredibly proud of the work our volunteers, allies and affiliates have done to make this happen.”

The Oregon AFL-CIO operates the largest, independent, non-partisan voter outreach program in the state, mobilizing union members to contact hundreds of thousands of voters statewide in races up and down the ticket. 


Get in Touch 


3645 SE 32nd Ave

Portland, OR 97202

By Appointment Only

105 High St SE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301

(503) 232-1195

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