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Oregon & Washington State Labor Federations Respond to Historic Boeing Strike

Oregon AFL-CIO

Oregon AFL-CIO President Graham Trainor and Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO President April Sims have issued a joint statement in response to the historic strike at Boeing’s Oregon and Washington manufacturing facilities:

“At 12:01am this morning, 33,000 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers began a strike to demand the dignity, respect, and fair compensation they deserve. Workers voted to strike by 96%, with more than 94% of votes rejecting Boeing’s offer. 

The combined 850,000 union members represented by our state federations stand behind Boeing workers every step of the way until a fair contract is ratified. The Pacific Northwest labor movement is unwaveringly united in support of these striking workers. Boeing’s disregard for working people in the pursuit of ever higher profits has directly led us to this strike, and caused the safety issues that have damaged public trust in Boeing. Striking workers are fighting not only for a fair contract, but for the safety of the flying public as well. That’s why we encourage all workers, union and non-union alike, to join the picket line and show your solidarity with our Machinist siblings.  

When workers unite, our power is unstoppable. As the tens of thousands of workers who make Boeing profitable walk the picket lines, our movement will always have their back.”


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3645 SE 32nd Ave

Portland, OR 97202

By Appointment Only

105 High St SE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301

(503) 232-1195

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