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Stay Home

Oregon AFL-CIO

Today, Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued a critically important order to Oregonians: Stay home. provided a brief and helpful breakdown of what the executive order means:

  • It details which businesses must close, which activities are prohibited and what the penalties for breaking those rules are.

  • It prohibits, beginning immediately, any social or recreational gatherings outside the home of any size in which people do not remain at least six feet apart.

  • It also prohibits non-essential businesses from operating and prohibits Oregonians from patronizing any that fail to close. Gyms, ski resorts and offices capable of allowing employees to work from home are among the operations that must cease immediately.

  • Child care programs may only operate under a strict new limit: Only 10 children per classroom, limited to 10 children, with the same 10 children assigned to the group over time.

  • People found to have violated Brown’s executive order could be jailed for up to 30 days or fined $1,250.

Oregon AFL-CIO President Graham Trainor explained why this order is so important for protecting frontline workers:

“We need to stay home, as much as possible, to give frontline workers a fighting chance to protect our community. Everyone on the frontlines of fighting to flatten the curve of COVID-19 needs the ability to do their jobs effectively and safely, including first responders, healthcare workers, grocery store workers, transit workers, and many more. By staying home, we are giving these heroes the space they need to get the job done.”


Here are four things you can do, right now, to help support the fight to protect working people:

Call the Senate: We need to bail out workers, not Wall Street. Call your Senator today at 866-832-1560 and ask that we pass a stimulus bill that puts workers’ needs first.

Donate Personal Protection Equipment: Oregon’s healthcare workers are on the frontlines of this crisis in hospitals and clinics throughout Oregon and are in dire need of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in order to protect themselves from infection and in turn, protect the people they love and care about from getting infected as well.➤ DONATE TODAY

Support Labor’s Community Services Agency: With your support, LCSA can make a dent in the overwhelming need dislocated working families face. Your donations will provide housing & utility assistance, emergency childcare, food resources, and more.➤ DONATE TODAY

Sign Our Petition: Oregon’s unions stand united in our call for the State of Oregon to use every tool available to ease the economic burden on working people and families while ensuring workers who cannot telecommute are provided with the best safety equipment and procedures possible.➤ SIGN TODAY


Get in Touch 


3645 SE 32nd Ave

Portland, OR 97202

By Appointment Only

105 High St SE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301

(503) 232-1195

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