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The Oregon Labor Dispatch: June 22, 2023

The Oregon Labor Dispatch is a weekly email and blog series designed to keep Oregon’s workers informed of the latest news about unions, worker power, and much more. Each week, we bring you a curated selection of news stories, graphics, and information about upcoming events and actions. When Oregon’s Labor Movement is connected, updated and informed we are able to be stronger advocates for all working Oregonians.

If you have a news story, event or action you’d like to see featured in the Oregon Labor Dispatch please email us at

Keep up with the latest from Oregon’s unions: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!


Upcoming Events


TODAY: June 22 from 5:00 - 7:00pm at OHSU HMC Hillsboro 335 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97123 (right on the street on the side of the main entrance to the hospital).

OHSU Hillsboro Medical Center is terminating over 50 housekeeping and cafe employees, predominantly women of color. HMC gave workers a 30-day notice, announcing their plan to outsource their work to a third-party company. Many employees will lose hundreds of sick leave and vacation hours that they worked for and earned over their years of service.


July 2 from 3:00 - 5:00pm, 1615 Delaware St, Longview, WA 98632 (Meet on Douglas St. and 15th ave)

The lab professionals working at Peacehealth St. John in Longview, Washington are holding an informational picket to demand a union contract, safe staffing, and fairness at the bargaining table. After over a half dozen bargaining sessions, management is still refusing to bargain over critical issues affecting our patients and their negligence is putting our entire community at risk. Click here to RSVP.


July 15 - 16 (parade July 16), downtown Portland

Join Oregon's Labor Movement for the Portland Pride Parade on Sunday, July 16, as we march in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ siblings and demonstrate our commitment to defending the rights of all Oregon workers. With legislatures across the country passing anti-trans bills and laws hostile to the LGBTQ+ community, it's more important than ever that Oregon Labor shows our unwavering support as allies.

Find more upcoming events on the Oregon AFL-CIO Solidarity Calendar. Do you have an event you’d like us to share? Send an email to and we’ll make it happen!

Take Action


Studios have used the transition to streaming to cut writer pay and separate writing from production, worsening working conditions for writers at all levels. Say you support the striking workers and think they should get a fair deal. Click here to add your name.


Julie Su has made a career out of representing the most vulnerable workers in America. Call your senators now and tell them to vote to confirm Julie Su as secretary of the Department of Labor. Click here to make a call.

Support the Providence Strike


Are you wondering how you can support the nurses and clinicians who are on strike until tomorrow, June 23? Look no further! Use the links below to learn more about the strike, sign up for a picket shift, donate to the strike fund and more:

Remembering Florida AFL-CIO President Mike Williams

June 19, 2023 | Florida Phoenix

“Mike Williams, the longtime president of the Florida AFL-CIO and a giant in the labor movement, died Saturday, June 17. AFL-CIO official Rich Templin said in a statement that Williams died from a water accident at his home in St. Marks, Florida. “Mike served as the federation’s President since 2009. He has been one of the most transformative labor leaders in Florida history and worked tirelessly to improve the lives of working families across the state, union and non-union alike,” Templin said. Dan Reynolds, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Florida AFL-CIO said, “Mike Williams dedicated his life to the fight for justice and dignity for Florida’s workers. He was our leader and our friend, and his passing is a massive loss for our movement. We will dedicate ourselves to continue the fight for workers just as he would expect and will do everything we can to honor his incredible legacy of courage, dedication and service.”

Glacier Vs. Teamsters

June 16, 2023 | Northwest Labor Press

From Oregon AFL-CIO President Graham Trainor: “Throughout history, no court or politician or corporation has ever or will ever stop the never ending struggle of the working class. And no modern twist or trick or anti-union court supermajority will stop us now from exercising our fundamental rights on the shop floor, in legislatures, at the ballot box, or in our communities.”

National Politics

June 16, 2023 | The Hill

“The nation’s top union organization, the AFL-CIO, endorsed President Biden’s reelection campaign on Friday, a major win for the president as he works to shore up support from big labor for his 2024 White House bid. The endorsement comes ahead of Biden rallying with union members on Saturday in Philadelphia. It is the earliest the AFL-CIO’s general board has ever voted to endorse in a presidential election, according to the union.”

June 20, 2023 | People’s World

“Interrupted repeatedly by chants of “Let’s go Joe!” and “Four more years!” from an energized crowd of 1,500-2,000 unionists, Democratic President Joe Biden welcomed the endorsement of almost all of the nation’s unions at a rousing speech in Philadelphia. It was the earliest presidential endorsement in AFL-CIO history. Biden’s speech was heavy on the improved economy and heavy on comparing today with the economic and medical disaster—the coronavirus pandemic—he confronted on entering the Oval Office.”

June 20, 2023 | Roll Call

“There’s absolutely no question that Joe Biden is the most pro-union president in our lifetimes,” AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler said in a statement. “From bringing manufacturing jobs home to America to protecting our pensions and making historic investments in infrastructure, clean energy and education, we’ve never seen a president work so tirelessly to rebuild our economy from the bottom up and middle out. We’ve never seen a president more forcefully advocate for workers’ fundamental right to join a union. Now, it’s time to finish the job.”

Oregon Politics

June 20, 2023 | Oregon AFL-CIO

Learn about how the Biden/Harris Administration is making historic investments into Oregon’s economy though the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, featuring voices from the Oregon AFL-CIO, the Oregon Building and Construction Trades Council, the Office of Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, ATU Local 757, IBEW Local 48, OFNHP, and TriMet.

June 16, 2023 | Northwest Labor Press

“Having seen the legislature shut down a third time in a row, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555 is considering taking a handful of legislative proposals directly to Oregon voters."

Writers’ Strike

June 21, 2023 | Chicago Times

“Fifty days into a strike with no end in sight, about 1,000 Hollywood writers and their supporters marched and rallied in Los Angeles for a new contract with studios that includes payment guarantees and job security. Speakers at the Writers Guild of America’s WGA Strong March and Rally for a Fair Contract on Wednesday emphasized the broad support for their cause shown by other Hollywood unions — including actors in their own contract negotiations — and labor at large.”


June 16, 2023 | Northwest Labor Press

“Workers at the nonprofit Friends of the Children Portland voted 40-3 to join AFT-Oregon in mail ballots counted June 1. The newly unionized unit includes 53 workers ranging from youth mentors to accountants.”

June 2, 2023 | Northwest Labor Press

“Workers at nonprofit New Avenues for Youth voted 69 to 12 to join Oregon AFSCME in mail ballots counted May 16. New Avenues For Youth provides meals, rest areas, showers, and internet access to homeless young people, as well as help with getting transitional housing or applying for work.”

June 16, 2023 | People’s World

“With an overwhelming vote, workers at Barnes & Noble’s flagship Manhattan store, a multi-story emporium crammed to each ceiling with books, unionized with the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. When certified as their rep, the union will represent 185 workers, and it said 97% of those casting ballots supported going union. It’s the third B&N store to go union this year, and there soon may be a fourth.”

Union Busting

June 21, 223 | ABC News

“Apple illegally subjected employees to “coercive” interviews and interfered with the distribution of union leaflets at a New York City Apple Store, a U.S. labor board judge ruled Tuesday. The finding represents the first time that an administrative law judge at the National Labor Relations Board, a federal agency, has ruled against Apple. But it is not the last word on the subject; Apple is free to appeal the ruling to the agency's full board or to federal appeals court.”

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