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The Oregon Labor Dispatch: October 3, 2024

Oregon AFL-CIO

The Oregon Labor Dispatch is a weekly email and blog series designed to keep Oregon’s workers informed of the latest news about unions, worker power, and much more. Each week, we bring you a curated selection of news stories, graphics, and information about upcoming events and actions. When Oregon’s Labor Movement is connected, updated and informed we are able to be stronger advocates for all working Oregonians.

If you have a news story, event or action you’d like to see featured in the Oregon Labor Dispatch please email us at

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IAMAW Boeing Machinists Strike

24 hours everyday | Airport Paint Hanger 4635 NE Cornfoot Rd. & The Boeing Co. 19000 NE Sandy Blvd

On September 13 at midnight, over 30,000 workers represented by IAMAW at Boeing plants in Oregon and Washington walked out on strike after voting down a tentative agreement. Support the strike by joining a picket line. For a strike map, times, and more go to:

Teamsters Local 324 and 206 Bigfoot Beverages Strike

24 hours everyday | Eugene, Coos Bay, and Winston OR

Bigfoot Beverage workers represented by Teamsters Local 324 and 206 are on strike for a fair contract and secure retirement benefits. Support the strike by joining a picket line. For a strike map, times, and more go to:

Events and Actions

Rally for Reed College Housing Advisors

Friday October 4, 2024 at 3:00PM | Eliot Circle, 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd in Portland

It's been roughly a year since Reed College's Housing Advisors (HAs) joined OPEIU Local 11, and Reed still hasn't settled a contract for these student workers. Join OPEIU Local 11 and the HAs as they rally on campus to let administrators know that HAs deserve a fair first contract NOW!

PSU-AAUP Candidate Forum to Discuss Keller Auditorium

The PSU-AAUP legislative committee would like to invite you to a Candidate Forum. As this forum falls the day before the City Council meeting to discuss the Keller Auditorium replacement at PSU, it’s a vital opportunity to speak with affected workers about centering workers in this process. We’ll be turning out from our 1,200 represented workers, other on-campus labor unions, building trades unions impacted by the Keller expansion, media, and community. RSVP

Fred Meyer Workers Call for a Boycott

The strike is over but the fight for a fair contract continues. UFCW Local 555 Fred Meyer workers are asking the community to shop somewhere else. Don’t shop at Fred Meyer until a fair agreement is reached and Fred Meyer’s admitted price gouging has stopped. Sign the pledge to boycott Fred Meyer here

Boeing Workers Solidarity Pledge

33,000 members of IAM District 751 and IAM District W24 just voted by 94% to reject Boeing's contract offer. We want to get back to the negotiating table ASAP to get a contract that this membership accepts and deserves! This is Our Future and Our Fight. Stand with these workers as they hold the line until Boeing offers a deal our members deserve. Show your support by signing this solidarity pledge and spreading the word! We need to raise our collective voice and show Boeing that America's workforce stands with Boeing workers in this fight. Sign the pledge.

Support OSU Graduate Workers Strike Fund and Pledge

The Coalition of Graduate Employees (CGE) are ramping up for a potential strike and need your help. Since August 2023, OSU has continually refused to negotiate in good faith. While CGE would prefer to work with OSU to compromise on a contract that benefits both employee and employer, they must be prepared to strike if necessary. Show your support by contributing to their strike fund and signing a pledge to withhold donations to OSU until a fair contract is reached. 

Labor 2024 Events

Find more Labor 2024 events and volunteer opportunities on our solidarity calendar

Phonebank for Tobias Read for Secretary of State, Elizabeth Steiner for State Treasurer and Dan Rayfield for Attorney General

Thursday October 3, 2024 at 5:30PM | Zoom

Thursday October 10, 2024 at 5:30PM | Zoom

Talk to union members and likely voters about Tobias Read for Secretary of State, Elizabeth Steiner for State Treasurer and Dan Rayfield for Attorney General. Sign up to volunteer.

Canvass for April Dobson for House District 39 and Dan Rayfield for Attorney General

Saturday October 5, 2024 at 10:00AM | Meet at the Oregon Labor Center in Portland

Join Oregon Labor at a canvass for April Dobson who is running for re-election as State Representative in House District 39 and Dan Rayfield who is running for Attorney General. Coffee, lunch and training provided. Sign up to volunteer.

Canvass for Emerson Levy for House District 53 and Anthony Broadman for State Senate District 27

Saturday October 5, 2024 at 10:00AM | Meet at SEIU Local 503, OPEU in Bend

Join Oregon Labor at a canvass for State Representative Emerson Levy and Anthony Broadman. Emerson Levy has been a champion for working families and we’re excited to help City Councilor Anthony Broadman get to the State Senate where he’ll continue to be a pro-worker voice for Central Oregon. Coffee, lunch and training provided.

Phonebank for Zach Hudson for House District 49 and Dan Rayfield for Attorney General

Monday October 7, 2024 at 5:30PM | Zoom

Talk to union members and likely voters about Rep. Zach Hudson who is running for re-election as State Representative in House District 49 and Dan Rayfield who is running for Attorney General. Sign up to volunteer.

Canvass for Zach Hudson for House District 49, Ricki Ruiz for House District 50, and Chris Gorsek for State Senate District 25

Saturday October 12, 2024 at 10:00AM | Meet at SEIU Local 503, OPEU in Bend

Join Oregon Labor at a canvass for Representative Zach Hudson for State House District 49, Representative Ricki Ruiz for State House District 50 and Senator Chris Gorsek for State Senate District 25 Oregon. Coffee, lunch and training provided.

Phonebank for Anessa Hartman for House District 40 and Dan Rayfield for Attorney General

Monday October 14, 2024 at 5:30PM | Zoom

Talk to union members and likely voters about Rep. Anessa Hartman who is running for reelection as State Representative in House District 53 and Dan Rayfield who is running for Attorney General. Sign up to volunteer.

Hurricane Helene

October 2, 2024 | Oregon AFL-CIO

“News continues to emerge about the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helene on states across the Southeast, including Florida, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Our hearts are with the working families in those communities whose lives have been upended by the storm. In times like these, it’s vital for our labor family to stand with and support those most impacted. 

We’ve compiled a list of organizations who are working to provide relief in these areas.”


September 30, 2024 | Labor Tribune

“More than 30,000 of our Machinists (IAM) brothers, sisters and siblings in the Seattle area went on strike at Boeing on Sept. 13. For anyone who has followed Boeing for the better part of a decade, this news may not come as a surprise. Since its merger with another manufacturer, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing executives have put profit over people. They’ve cut corners on workplace and product safety — putting our workers and passengers at risk. They’ve threatened our jobs, and squeezed every last dollar for their own bonuses, regardless of workers. This strike is about our IAM family standing up and saying: Corporate greed won’t fly.”

September 30, 2024 | KOMO News

“Boeing factory workers who are currently on strike in the Puget Sound region will lose company-paid health care benefits “effective end of day” Monday if they don’t return to work. According to Boeing’s website, union members who “return to work during the strike on or after Oct. 1” will have their “active health and insurance coverages (as in effect immediately prior to the strike) will be reinstated prospectively as of the return-to-work date.” Monday marks day 18 of the Boeing machinists’ union strike. Union leaders said contract talks “broke off” with the company after their latest bargaining session Friday.”

September 27, 2024 | Oregon Business

“A worker strike continues to rattle aerospace giant Boeing and has so far cost the jet maker more than half a billion dollars. Around 33,000 striking workers, members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, walked off the job Friday.” 

September 28, 2024 | AP News

“The union representing Boeing factory workers who are currently on strike in the Pacific Northwest said contract talks “broke off” with the company after their latest bargaining session. In an update posted on social media platforms X and Facebook, a regional district of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers asserted late Friday that Boeing “would not engage substantively” on key issues important to members — such as higher pay — and didn’t budge on calls to restore a defined-benefit pension that was axed 10 years ago.”

Postal Workers Day of Action

October 1, 2024 | KLCC

“Oregon’s U.S. Senators are calling on the Postal Service to stop efforts to consolidate mail processing. Democrats Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley rallied with workers in front of a Springfield post office Tuesday.”

October 1, 2024 | KMTR

Tuesday was a "Day of Action" for postal workers across the country, including in our area. The Postal Workers Union held rallies nationwide. Employees at the Gateway Post Office in Springfield took part, calling attention to what they call "substandard performance" for customers. Specifically, they are drawing attention to the poor implementation of plans to modernize mail facilities and the decision to ship mail to central processing facilities regardless of where the mail is coming from and where it's going - and they want the public to call for change.”

October 1, 2024 | Z100

“Postal workers across the country, including in Portland, held demonstrations Tuesday to protest changes at the Postal Service. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has a ten year plan to make the Postal Service profitable. He says it's on track to lose $300 billion dollars. The Oregon Postal Service Workers Union says DeJoy’s plan includes “Regional Transportation Optimization," which will slow the mail for two-thirds of the zip codes in the country.”

Oregon Labor

October 3, 2024 | Eugene Weekly

“The Night in Solidarity with Farm Worker Rights is an evening of music, artistry and history to benefit Oregon farm workers. PCUN, or Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste, is the largest Latino organization in Oregon and the focus of the night’s event. “The great majority of farm workers in Oregon are of Latinx heritage, so we want to celebrate that,” says Kurt Willcox, a keeper of the history of Eugene Friends of the Farm Workers.“

October 3, 2024 | Teamsters

“Amid an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike at Bigfoot Beverages, Teamsters Locals 206 and 324 have charged the company with additional ULPs for unlawfully threatening workers for engaging in federally protected union activity. Bigfoot workers went on strike September 19 after Bigfoot attempted to unlawfully eliminate a core pension benefit and lied to the bargaining committee.“

October 2, 2024 | Northwest Labor Press

“A unit of 60 stagehands at the McMenamins Edgefield in Troutdale and the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove will vote this month on whether to join the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 28. “Workers are asking for representation so they can have predictability about whether and how much they will be working during each season, and [to] afford to live in our region,” said Rose Etta Venetucci, the business representative for IATSE Local 28.“

September 30, 2024 | Willamette Week

“A Service Employees International Union spokesperson announced today that employees of five Oregon nursing home companies are prepared to strike to win new contracts. The existing contracts between SEIU Local 503 and the companies expire tonight.“

September 30, 2024 | Public Service News

“Oregon Health and Science University and Legacy Health have officially submitted merger plans to state regulators. Behavioral therapists at Legacy unionized in anticipation of this to protect themselves. Sixty behavioral health therapists at Legacy Unity Center for Behavioral Health have voted to join the Oregon Nurses Association. They're also doubling the size of an existing bargaining unit at the hospital, which includes other mental health workers. Legacy Behavioral Health Therapist Meaghan Wilkinson-Smith said she and her coworkers didn't know about a potential merger until they heard it on the news.“

September 30, 2024 | OPB

“An Oregon ballot measure will ask voters this November whether to make it easier for cannabis workers to unionize. Under Ballot Measure 119, United for Cannabis Workers Act, employers at cannabis retail and processing businesses would be required to sign a “labor peace agreement” with a labor union to receive a license from the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. In that agreement, employers must agree not to interfere with organizing efforts if their employees choose to unionize.“

September 29, 2024 | Tillamook County Pioneer

“Over the course of bargaining with the Tillamook School District, our bargaining team has tirelessly worked to amicably resolve issues and reach a fair settlement for our members. Our members make on average 28% less than statewide average classified employees and 12% less than regional employees by classification. The District has continued to assert that our proposals have been unreasonable and refuses to accept basic legal minimums for Just Cause and IEP access provisions. Because of this, we are entering mediation with our first session scheduled for October 17, 2024.“

September 27, 2024 | The Oregonian

“TriMet’s board agreed Wednesday to provide 13.6% pay increases to more than 2,700 drivers, mechanics and other transit service employees over the next four years. Under the new contract with Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757, TriMet agreed to increase workers’ salaries by 4% this December and by 3% every year in 2025, 2026 and 2027.“

September 27, 2024 | KEZI

“September 27 marks one week since the Bigfoot Beverage teamsters began their strike, as they are fighting to put a pension back on their contract. "The goal is to present a fair contract that represents the employees here at Bigfoot," said Edwin Powell, a spokesperson for the strikers. "We just want to represent fair and higher wages, and it came to -- it came down to our retirement. The goal was to come with wages, but now the goal is to keep our retirement.“

September 26, 2024 | Willamette Week

“More than a year after announcing the deal, Oregon Health & Science University filed with the key state regulator to purchase crosstown rival Legacy Health and make it a subsidiary. OHSU filed documents detailing the purchase with the the Health Care Market Oversight program, a unit of the Oregon Health Authority, an entity that is bound by law to review health care mergers and acquisitions that affect Oregonians. Federal and state justice departments may review it as well.“


October 2, 2024 | Quartz

“The International Longshoremen Association (ILA) went on strike early Tuesday morning after its contract with the group that represents shipping companies, terminal operators, and port associations expired. Some 45,000 workers are on picket lines at more than a dozen major ports that collectively account for about 51% of the nation’s port capacity. The union is pushing for protection against automation, new technology in terminals, and wage hikes.”

September 30, 2024 | NBC News

“The AFL-CIO, the largest federation of unions in the U.S., said it launched a seven-figure digital and streaming ad campaign for Harris and Walz today in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — its largest ad buy of this election cycle. NBC News was first to report the labor group's ad buy. “This is the most consequential election in American history for union families," AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler said in a statement. "That’s why we’re laser-focused on ensuring that the union voters who will decide this election know the stakes and know the stark contrast between Kamala Harris’ and Donald Trump’s policies on our jobs, our unions, and our contracts.”

September 29, 2024 | Raw Story

“The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, the national trade union center known as AFL-CIO, said in response, "This isn’t a gaffe and he didn’t just misspeak — Trump said this in Michigan on Friday and Pennsylvania today. Trump cut overtime for millions of Americans as President — and his Project 2025 agenda will do it again."

September 30, 2024 | Tucson Sentinel

“About 10,000 votes would have tipped the last presidential contest in Arizona. The state has about 133,000 union members so, like other slivers of the electorate, these and their issues could be decisive. Traditionally, Democrats hold a major edge with organized labor due to their consistent support for higher wages and the right to unionize. “They’re willing to fight for us,” said Michael Thornton, 63, a diesel mechanic in Tucson and member of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.”


September 30, 2024 | HufPost

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill into law Friday barring employers from holding mandatory anti-union meetings in the workplace. The legislation makes California the latest and largest state to outlaw what are known as “captive audience” meetings. At least eight other states, all Democratic-leaning, have passed similar bans with the support of labor unions. Newsom said in a statement that the legislation guarantees “the right to work without fear of retaliation.” “California has a rich history of standing up for workers’ rights, and this bill continues that tradition ― making sure employees have the freedom to make their own decisions without coercion,” he said”


October 1, 2024 | AFL-CIO

“The longshoremen’s fight for a fair contract is the entire labor movement’s fight. As 45,000 members of the ILA strike for a fair contract today, the AFL-CIO and our nearly 13 million members from 60 unions are proud to stand in strong solidarity with them.”

September 30, 2024 | New York Times

“Under the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, Mr. Biden has the authority to order striking dockworkers back to work. But administration officials have said he is not planning to invoke that act and force dockworkers back to work, and the A.F.L.-C.I.O. has said he should not intervene. “Averting a strike is the responsibility of the employers who refuse to offer I.L.A. members a contract that reflects the dignity and value of their labor,” the labor group’s president, Elizabeth Shuler, said in a letter to members of Congress."


September 30, 2024 | New Hampshire Bulletin

“The ConversationWhat do violinists, grocery store clerks, college dorm counselors, nurses, teachers, hotel housekeepers, dockworkers, TV writers, autoworkers, Amazon warehouse workers, and Boeing workers have in common? In the past year or so, they’ve all gone on strike, tried to get co-workers to join a union, or threatened to walk off the job over an array of issues that include retirement plans, technology replacing workers, and lagging wages as inflation increased. The array of Americans who are organizing unions extends to the tech, digital media, and cannabis industries. Even climbing gym employees have formed a union."

September 30, 2024 | NC Newsline

“North Carolina is and will, for the foreseeable future, remain a so-called “right-to-work” state in which laws make it extremely tough build workplace unions. Despite this enormous barrier, however, there’s growing evidence that interest in and support for organized labor in our state is enjoying a bit of a renaissance. With wages in many companies remaining low and flat, even as corporate profits and executive pay have soared, many North Carolina workers– especially younger workers – are rethinking unions. This reality was on display recently in Raleigh as the state AFL-CIO hosted a large and energetic gathering at its annual convention. And right after she delivered a keynote address at the event, NC Newsline caught up with the national president of the AFL-CIO, Liz Shuler."

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3645 SE 32nd Ave

Portland, OR 97202

By Appointment Only

105 High St SE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301

(503) 232-1195

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