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Tradeswomen Build Nations 2023

Oregon AFL-CIO

The 2023 Tradeswomen Build Nations conference was held last week in Washington DC and brought together a diverse and dynamic group of women from unions across the building and construction trades industry. Organized by North America’s Build Trades Unions, the annual event’s goal is to celebrate and advance the role of women in the building and construction trades.

The conference served as a platform for tradeswomen to share their experiences, insights, and accomplishments, fostering a sense of solidarity and empowerment. Attendees participated in a wide range of workshops, panel discussions, and networking events, covering topics such as skill development, workplace equality, and strategies for overcoming barriers in the trades.

The conference not only highlighted the achievements of tradeswomen but also addressed ongoing challenges and advocated for gender equality in the workforce. Inspirational keynote speakers, industry leaders, and seasoned tradeswomen including SMART Local 16 member Korri Bus provided valuable perspectives, inspiring the next generation of tradeswomen to pursue and thrive in their chosen fields. With a focus on education, mentorship, and community building, the Tradeswomen Build Nations conference played a crucial role in promoting inclusivity and breaking down the barriers women face in the building and construction trades.

SMART Local 16 (Portland, Oregon) member Korri Bus took the stage in front of 4,000+ tradeswomen and allies to talk about her journey and discuss the importance of accessible childcare.

Oregon Labor Commissioner Christina Stephenson joined AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and thousands of tradeswomen from across the country at the conference.

Check out more photos from Tradeswomen Build Nations, courtesy of UA, BAC, IUPAT, SMART, NABTU and the AFL-CIO:

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